Monday, April 13, 2009

Money Module phase III

I did get a few new pointers from the CR article.

One little boost was the encouragement to stop buying bottled water, a notion which I'd already been considering for other reasons. Another was the info regarding a/c. (I'd always wondered about the temps to use when not at home.) It was also uplifting to discover that I'm already doing much of what they suggest. But I have not been making use of websites for comparison shopping, etc, so am looking forward to doing so. And then there are those suggestions which simply would not be appealing, like doing all wash in cold water or cooking with a microwave.

Money Module Phase II (mint)

I've explored the various options provided on the mint website and can see how it would be useful for those who use credit cards for most purchases. In the past few months I've transformed my financial situation, eliminating almost all debt and returning to a lifestyle of using cash in place of credit. Ive also been reading some financial advice books lately (from the library, no less) and have been budgeting on my own, without the use of internet sites.

Also, even though sites are "secure" I do not feel comfortable typing social security number, bank account numbers, etc, on a Harris County pc. So, I browsed all the options available, but did not go much further.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


My main bank account is with Chase and I already knew that they had a website. I'd been encouraged by personal bankers to use and we set up my account with bill paying last summer. But, I'd never taken advantage of these tools, not having a pc at home. This module gave me the opportunity to take the time to delve into and very glad that I did. (Nothing like finding unknown charges in one's checking account!) I will now take the extra time and effort to log in much more frequently, thanks to this module. I also looked up another bank to compare websites. Smaller bank (Encore), smaller and simpler website.

As to security, the Chase website offered various ways to verify me as the user, although it bothered me that they used "social security number" as an option online. I may go back into the Encore website (a bank I might be switching to) and compare, now that you've asked.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

module #58

Its good to be back after a very long hiatus!

I've browsed though the module's different components and am now ready to return and start the exercises.

(To be cont...)